Uniquely MicroTek — Connecting social consciousness with business success
Our Business Model
Being a not-for-profit doesn’t mean that MicroTek can’t, or doesn’t, make money. But it does mean there are restrictions on how a surplus can be spent; earnings must be reinvested back into the business. At MicroTek, we have used our revenues to fuel company growth and to improve wages and benefits for all employees. We have set long-term goals for continued growth of 15 to 20 percent per year, and creation of new jobs to support the local economy.
Company Diversity: The MicroTek Advantage
At MicroTek, we work to create a positive and empowered environment for all employees, transcending barriers of language, culture, age and physical or developmental disability. Ours is a corporate culture where individual differences and diversity are recognized, valued and supported. Several MicroTek employees have limitations that call for some level of modification, such as adapting a machine to make it accessible for anyone. Our focus on accommodations has encouraged us to look at how employees across the board can do their jobs better. This spirit of innovation has increased our ability to manufacture products at a consistently high and repeatable level of quality. We’re proof that a successful commercial business can support the employment of people with disabilities — and benefit from their contributions as valued members of the company.
‘This link will bring you to many inspiring stories, including Jared, one of our employees’.